pressure volume loop, PV loop, cardiac pressure volume loop, ecg software, software module, blood pressure analysis

Pressure Volume Loop Analysis

Many useful and necessary parameters are used to describe the function of a beating heart, including minimum dP/dt, maximum dP/dt, developed pressure and cardiac output. The pressure-volume (PV) loop properly describes the performance of the heart as a pump. Left ventricular pressure-volume relationships expressed as PV loops yield important hemodynamic information in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. 

The PV Loop analysis module permits the display and analysis of left ventricular pressure cycles plotted against cardiac volume cycles within a review session. The PV Loop presentation page consists of a graphical representation that displays the current loops selected. The list view area depicted in the lower left corner of the graph page displays the analysis values for the current PV Loop cycles. The status or control area contains a listing of all analyzed data segments which may be recalled for further review and analysis.


Derived Parameter Name



The number of CVOL cycles that correspond to the selected data segments.

ESPVR:Slope The slope of the straight line fit for ESPVR.
ESPVR:V0 The X intercept of the straight line fit for ESPVR.
ESPVR:r The correlation coefficient for the straight line fit for ESPVR.
EDPVR:A α from the EDPVR relationship. The X intercept of the straight line fit for ESPVR.
EDPVR:B ß from the EDPVR relationship.


V0 from the EDPVR relationship.


The correlation coefficient for the exponential fit for EDPVR.


The slope of the straight line fit for PRSW.


The X intercept of the straight line fit for PRSW.


The correlation coefficient for the straight line fit for PRSW.


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