
Ponemah Signal Conditioners and Amplifiers

Better signals means better data.

Consistent, reliable data acquisition from tethered, acute, or in vitro studies routinely performed in discovery, pharmacology and toxicology laboratories.

Confidently Collect the Analog Signals You Need

Still turning knobs? Stop reminding everyone in the lab not to touch the amplifier. Be confident in your data using Ponemah's ACQ-7700 digital signal conditioners for stable, accurate calibration and acquisition. Engineered for precision, Ponemah ACQ-7700 are designed to give you high quality, reproducible data. Ponemah amplifiers provide 16 bit resolution across all gain ranges to capture subtle changes even from the smallest of signals. Individual channel filters and low noise design yield minimal channel cross-talk and signal noise. 

21 CFR Part 11 compliance

Are you a GLP lab? No problem! Assign permissions to those designated to perform calibration. All calibration data and changes are saved in a configuration file and audit log.  Learn more...


General Purpose Hardwired System


One Interface, Many Applications

You're covered wherever you take your research.

Cardiac Electrophysiology

Supporting a wide range of voltage-based electrical signals and leads configurations:


Integrated respiratory* solutions from Basic Research to Discovery to Safety Assessment:

  • Respiratory disorders
  • Gas metabolism
  • Optogenetics
  • Resistance/compliance

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* Compatible with Buxco head out and whole body plethysmography chambers.


Study hemodynamic function, including contractility, vascular resistance, and cardiac output utilizing 3rd party equipment:

  • Drug Safety and Efficacy
  • Hypertension
  • Heart Failure
  • Myocardial Infarction
  • Cardiac function
  • Pressure-Volume Loop

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Isolated Organ

Combine with Hugo Sachs equipment to simultaneously monitor the mechanical and electrical components of heart for advanced cardiac function assessment:

Central Nervous System

Don't let channel count or bandwidth limitations drive your study protocol. Utilize DSI's BIOPOD to achieve high channel count and bandwidth configurations:

  • Sleep
  • Seizure
  • Neurological disorders
  • Frequency domain endpoints (FFT, Periodograms)
  • Electromyogram and Electrooculogram
  • Local Field Potential

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Environmental Sensors

Your animals are subjected to ambient conditions throughout the study. Monitor these conditions to fully understand the environmental impact:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Barometric
  • Light




Simultaneous Acquisition with Implantable Telemetry

Combine endpoints into a single study to discover new insights.

Stop isolating whole animal physiology to the study of a single system. Now study the interplay between physiologic systems to make new and exciting discoveries.

Combine different study types (i.e. cardiovascular, respiratory, CNS) into a single study to reduce the number subjects used, while reducing the time and cost associated with running multiple studies. 

Applications include:

  • Sleep Apnea
  • Optogenetics
  • Forced Excercise


Synchronize Signals Across Any Signal Conditioner



All purpose signal conditioner



Advanced Basic DC 32 Signal Conditioner



Digital Communication Module

 Model  Universal XE  ABDC-4  ABDC-32  Carrier  DCOM
 Description All-purpose or “Universal” input for a wide variety physiologic sensors and transducers, including those requiring excitation. Easily bring up to 32 channels into Ponemah using standard laboratory BNC connections. Select uni-polar, bi-polar, single-ended or differential measurements. Designed specifically for use with the Validyne DP-45 and DP-250 Differential Pressure Transducers for accurate pulmonary pressure, volume and flow measurements.  Provides a communication link with the external 12 Channel Isolated Biopotential Pod and the Multi-Lead ECG Pod.
 Signal Types Biopotential signals, pulmonary pressure and flow signals, blood pressure and flow signals, temperature signals, isolated tissue and a variety of pressure or tension measurement. Hemodynamic flow, volume, pressure, PV Loop
Langendorff preparations, isolated heart, lung 
Environmental light, temperature, pressure sensors
Respiratory head-out and whole body plethysmography, large animal resistance/compliance Multi-Lead ECG: 3-lead ECG, open-chested models, electrogram, Action Potential
Biopotentials: EEG, EMG, EOG, LFP, sleep, and seizure
 # Channels

4 4 Single-ended

32 Single-ended or 16 Differential


12 Channel Isolated Biopotential Pod

Designed for versatility, the BIO 12 Pod satisfies many applications where biopotentials recordings are monitored in a tethered, acute, or in vitro setting.
  • 12 differential pairs
  • Input Range: 40uV to 40mV Full Scale
  • Input Impedance: >10M Ohm
  • Low Pass filter settings: 100, 300, 1,000Hz
  • High Pass filter fixed at: 0.05Hz


 Coupling AC/DC/Gnd DC DC AC
 Resolution 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit
 Maximum Rate 100K Hz per Channel 250K Hz per Channel 250K Hz per Channel 5K Hz per Channel
 Excitation Voltage 2.5, 5, 7.5VDC ±1%, and 10VDC ±5% @ 15mA, OFF
  Synchronized to Excitation Voltage 5VRMS @ 5KHz for use specifically with Validyne Transducer
 Digitizer per Channel Multiplexed Multiplexed per Channel
 Signal Characteristics
 Input Impedance 10M Ohm  100K Ohm  100K Ohm   >10M Ohm
 Input Range Bipolar: ±25μV to ±5V Full Scale.
Unipolar: 0-50μV to 0-5V Full Scale
± 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20V Full Scale
0 - 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20V Full Scale 
± 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20V Full Scale
0 - 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20V Full Scale
Continuously Variable ±500μV to ±300mV (0.2mV V to 120mV/V) Full Scale 

Multi-Lead ECG Pod

Accurately conditions up to twelve simultaneous surface ECG leads using an industry standard 10-lead cable with various attachments.

  • ECG presentations: Lead I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, 6V-leads
  • Selectable high fidelity filtering from 0.05 – 500Hz
  • Patient isolation
  • Defibrillation protected with baseline reset
  • Leads off detection
  • TTL output for QRS pulse to trigger external equipment


 Maximum Input w/o damage


±20VDC or AC Peak  + 50V DC or AC Peak + 50V DC or AC Peak  30V DC or AC Peak
 Analog Bandwidth DC-5 kHz  DC-10 kHz  DC-10 kHz   DC-100 kHz
 Input Zero Suppression Span ±5V - ±200mV: ±5V
Span ±200mV - ±0.2mV: ±0.5V
Less than 0.2mV: ±0.05V 
Continuously variable ±250mV 
Error: <0.5%
 Programmable Filters
 Low Pass 8-pole Bessel with selectable settings of: 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 5000 Hz, and OFF  10, 30, and 100 Hz
 High Pass 1-pole with selectable settings of: DC, 0.05, 0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 30, and 100 Hz
 Accuracy Specifications
 Gain Accuracy, % of FS <±0.5% in mV range <0.7% <0.7%  <0.5%
 Offset Accuracy, % of FS <±0.4% in mV range <0.5% <0.5%
 Linearity, % of FS <0.2% <0.2%  <0.1%
 Noise, p-p <10μV Typical with 1kHz filter at Max Gain
<0.5%  <0.5%   <0.02%
 Common Mode Voltage ±5V 
 Common Mode Rejection <-60dB



 Crosstalk (60Hz) <-90dB <60dB  <60dB   <45dB



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