
Buxco® Small Animal Whole Body Plethysmography

The gold standard for indirect respiratory measurements in conscious, freely moving subjects

Benefits of whole body plethysmography explained in two minutes!

Mouse 4 site WBP 020


Minimize Stress, Produce Critical Results

  • Improve animal welfare by reducing handling or restraint of subjects
  • Conduct high quality, reproducible experiments in subjects ranging in size from mouse pup (P3 and older) to canine and primate
  • Reduce the risk of human error with automated diagnostics and calibration
  • Trust your results with solutions featured in over 2,000 research publications 

Buxco Small Animal WBP Chamber Details

  • View Mouse Pup WBP Chamber

  • View Small Animal WBP Chambers

Available Chambers (all types)


Multiple Applications and Derived Parameters With One System

    WBP Derived Parameters

    • View List of WBP Derived Parameters

    Apnea-Specific Derived Parameters

    • View List of Apnea Derived Parameters

    Combined Applications

    Buxco small animal WBP systems can be combined with other technologies to enable more data and holistic approaches to every study including:

    • Optogenetics - Neural control of breathing
    • Electrical Commutator - Collect hardwired biopotential (EEG, EMG, EOG) signals simultaneously
    • Fluid Swivel - Administer compound, manage pain, draw blood, or create an injury model
    • Implantable Telemetry - Collect cardiovascular or CNS endpoints to evaluate holistic effects and multi organ interactions
    Learn more here
    Mouse WBP Optogenetics_chamber only_LR

    Applications & References

    Select publications citing small animal Buxco whole body plethysmography

    Bosnjak B, Tilp C, Tomsic C, Dekan G, Pieper M, Erb K, EpsteinM. “Tiotropium bromide inhibits relapsing allergic asthma in BALB/c mice.” Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2014;27:44-51.

    Glynn A, Alves D, Frick O, Erwin-Cohen R, Porter A, Norris S, Waag D, Nalca A. “Comparison of experimental respiratory tularemia in threenonhuman primate species.” Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;39:13-24

    Haapakoski R, Karisola P, Fyhrquist N, Savinko T, Wolff H, Turjanmaa K, Palosuo T, Reunala T, Lauerma A, Alenius H. “Intradermal cytosine-phosphate-guanosine treatment reduces lung inflammation but induces IFN-gamma-mediated airway hyperreactivity in a murine model of natural rubber latex allergy.” American journal of respiratory cellular and molecular biology. 2011;44:639-647.

    Rajavelu P, Chen G, Xu Y, Kitzmiller J, Korfhagen T, Whitsett J. “Airway epithelial SPDEF integrates goblet cell differentiation and pulmonary Th2 inflammation.” Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2015.

    Viby N, Isidor M, Buggeskov K, Poulsen S, Hansen J, Kissow K. “Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) Reduces Mortality and Improves Lung Function in a Model of Experimental Obstructive Lung Disease in Female Mice.” Endocrinology. 2013;154:4503–4511.

    Select publications citing large animal Buxco whole body plethysmography

    Katalan S, Falach R, Rosner A, Goldvaser M, Brosh-Nissimov T, Dvir A, Mizrachi A, Goren O, Cohen B, Gal Y, Sapoznikov A, Ehrlich S, Sabo T, Kronman C. “A novel swine model of ricin-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome.” Disease Models & Mechanisms. 2017; 10(2): 173-183.

    Lin C, Wu H, Lee J, Liu C. “Functional Phenotype and its Correlation with Therapeutic Response and Inflammatory Type of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid in Feline Lower Airway Disease.” J Vet Inter Med. 2015;29:88-96.

    Valente A, Silvestre A, Guasch L, Tort A, Marco I, Lavin S, Cuenca R. “Evaluation of pulmonary function in European land tortoises using whole-body plethysmography.” Veterinary Record. 2012;141:154.

    Guasch L, Vadillo A, Grau J, Carreton E, Morchon R, Simon F, Alonso J. “Evaluation of pulmonary function variables by using plethysmography in cats with respiratory disease associated to Dirofilaria immitis.: Veterinary Parasitology. 2012;187:254-258.

    Bernaerts F, Talavera J, Leemans J, Hamaide A, Claeys S, Kirschvink N, Clercx C. “Description of original endoscopic findings and respiratory functional assessment using barometric whole-body plethysmography in dogs suffering from brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome.” The Veterinary Journal. 2010;183:95-102.

    Whole body plethysmography articles citing DSI in Google Scholar

    Webinar: Understanding Physiological Mechanisms of Opioid Addiction: Advancements in CNS and Respiratory Endpoint Measurement