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Download full SmartStudy brochure:

Introducing SmartStudy for the Buxco Inhalation System -- a long-sought after technology for improving precision in inhalation research.

Now you can automatically stop delivery of aerosol to single or multiple-dosage groups when they reach their targeted dose. The user defines inhalation exposure targets based on dose amount or time.

Once a subject reaches its targeted dose, inhalation tower port adaptors automatically shut off the flow of compound, and then provide fresh air, allowing the test subject to remain on the tower while other subjects continue to receive dosing.

Download the brochure or view the video below to learn more.

Read more about:
Buxco Inhalation and Exposure System
FinePointe software

It’s about time … for target-specific dosing

Benefits of SmartStudy and Finepointe 3.0 software:

  • Precision: Automatically cease exposure when user defined target dose in achieved

  • Savings: Save days of offline calculation and research with automated aerosol diagnostics and characterization procedures

  • Safety: Remove a test subject without risk of exposure

  • Flexibility: Modular structure with the ability to test multiple dosage groups on the exposure tower

Advancing to SmartStudy

For current Buxco Inhalation System customers, upgrading your system configuration for SmartStudy is simple and only requires the following additions to your current setup:

  • SmartStudy Site Type

  • FinePointe™ software to v3.0

  • Auxiliary and MDI controllers (if not part of existing system)

  • SmartStudy Tower Port Adaptors

Download upgrade brochure:
