Indirect calorimetry is the estimation of metabolic heat production by an organism from measurement of indices such as oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide production. For the purpose of most energy-expenditure studies, indirect calorimetry measures the volume of expired air per unit of time and determines the percentage of oxygen utilized. These data are then used for estimating the metabolic rate (energy expenditure) and respiratory exchange ratio (relative measurement of fat, carbohydrate and protein oxidation). Indirect calorimetry systems contain air tight chambers, so measuring physiological endpoints during indirect calorimetry testing is difficult. Our Panlab Oxylet Pro systems have all been tested and validated to properly work in combination with DSI implantable telemetry, allowing for the acquisition of meaningful and high impact holistic in vivo data.
Common endpoints achieved through the use of telemetry include ECG, blood pressure, continuous blood glucose, temperature, activity, and more.

Telemetry with Indirect Calorimetry, Intake
and Activity

Telemetry with Indirect Calorimetry

Telemetry with Indirect Calorimetry
and Waste Collection
- Real-time cardiovascular, temperature, glucose, and respiratory metabolism data
- A better understanding of clusters of conditions and related activity that are often associated with metabolic diseases, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes
- Decreased handling in home cage environments, while obtaining high quality physiological data, that minimizes animal stress and increased translation
- A more comprehensive, holistic picture of whole animal physiology
- Comprehensive approach to understanding the animal body mass and physiological phenotype
- Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, ECG
- Continuous Glucose Monitoring
- EEG, EMG, Sleep
- Respiratory Rates
- Body Temperature
- VO2 Consumption, VCO2 Production, Respiratory Exchange Ratio and Energy Expenditure
- Food and Drink Consumption
- Urine and feces collection
- Activity