
inhalation research

Inhalation Exposure Research

Inhalation Dosing Towers ensure that simultaneous exposure of compounds or gases to the lungs of rodents is well controlled, consistent, and defined. It is crucial that researchers calculate an accurate measurement of the inhaled drug, which is derived by knowing the concentration of the drug delivered as well as the animal’s minute volume.  Most systems use an assumed minute volume value based on animal species and mass; DSI’s inhalation tower provides the ability to integrate plethysmography, allowing for direct minute volume measurement, eliminating the need to make assumptions.

Inhalation towers are used in a variety of research disciplines.

  • Inhalation toxicology - study pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and animal health
  • Biodefense Aerobiology - Infections disease, vaccines, and anti-terrorism research
  • Pharmaceutical and contract research organizations – assess the impact of a compound on major organ systems or evaluate the safety of new drug candidates
  • Discovery and Academic – focus on studies for the proper treatment of respiratory diseases
  • Environmental Toxicology – evaluate respiratory health hazard of airborne particulates
Inhalation articles citing DSI in Google Scholar

Inhalation / Exposure Tower - The DSI Buxco inhalation exposure system is designed with the ease-of-use desired by researchers new to inhalation exposure, yet providing the performance and flexibility required by the inhalation exposure expert. Unique to DSI is the ability to perform accurate real-time respiration monitoring during exposure, critical for animal welfare and determining accurate deposition levels.

Learn more about DSI's Buxco Inhalation Exposure Tower

Tower_Circle Image, dust aerosols

Turn-key Solutions - The E-cig, Vape and Tobacco generator provides ultimate versatility, enabling delivery of multiple smoke types simultaneously. Alternatively, build efficiency with our smoking machine that burns up to 300 traditional cigarettes unattended providing direct and indirect smoking options. Both systems are capable of delivering to an exposure apparatus including plethysmography chambers, inhalation towers, or individual exposure tubes.

Learn more about the Buxco Smoke Generator

smoke machine

FinePointe Software – FinePointe software is powerful and easy-to-use for collecting, analyzing, and reporting life science data. Fully network-enabled, the smart design minimizes required user interaction while wizards walk users through necessary procedures. The only software needed for all Buxco inhalation and respiratory applications.

Learn more about Buxco FinePointe software from DSI.

FinePointe Website_Circle Image


Dong Y, Li Y, Sun Y, Mao J, Yao F, Tian Y, Wang L, Li L, Li S, Li J. (2015). Bufei Jianpi granules improve skeletal muscle and mitochondrial dysfunction in rats with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (15)51.

House, A., Horodnik, W., Wilson Wylie, J., Shemesh, U., Lomask, J., Carballo-Jane, E.,  Mauser, P. (2014, October). A miniaturized inhalation tower to deliver small amounts of API to conscious rats. Poster presented at the American Institute of Toxicology, Princeton, NJ.

House, A. , Marsales, M., Santos, C., Bharatwaj, B., Najjar, K., Durston, J., Sanders, A., Kinnucane, E., Gil, T., Wylie, J., Sorota, S., Shemesh, U. (2018, October).  Validation of a multiple metered dose inhaler actuator and DSI Buxco inhalation tower to enable translation from pre-clinical species to FIH. Poster presented at the American Institute of Toxicology, Durham NC.

House, A., Shafer, R., Shemesh, Y., Lomask, J., Chapman, R. W., & Mauser, P. J. (2013). Use Of The Allay Restraint Collar To Facilitate The Measurement Of Ventilation In Conscious Rats. In C32. ANIMAL MODELS OF ASTHMA AND AIRWAY RESPONSIVENESS (pp. A4049-A4049). American Thoracic Society.

Li Y, Tian Y, Li J, Dong Y, Wang M, Su-Xiang Feng S,  Li L, Mao J, Wang L Luo S. (2016). Bufei Yishen granules combined with acupoint sticking therapy suppress oxidative stress in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rats: Via regulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma signaling. Journal of Ethnopharmacololgy. 193, 354-361.

Lu, X., Li, Y., Li, J., Wang, H., Wu, Z., Li, H., & Wang, Y. (2016). Sequential treatments with tongsai and bufei yishen granules reduce inflammation and improve pulmonary function in acute exacerbation-risk window of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in rats. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine2016.

Pastor, M., Moreno-Sastre, M., Esquisabel, A., Sans, E., Viñas, M., Bachiller, D., ... & Pedraz, J. L. (2014). Sodium colistimethate loaded lipid nanocarriers for the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections associated with cystic fibrosis. International journal of pharmaceutics477(1-2), 485-494.

Sellers, S., Horodnik, W., House, A., Wylie, J., Mauser, P., & Donovan, B. (2015). The in vitro and in vivo investigation of a novel small chamber dry powder inhalation delivery system for preclinical dosing to rats. Inhalation toxicology27(13), 706-716.

Tian, Y., Li, Y., Li, J., Xie, Y., Wang, M., Dong, Y., ... & Luo, S. (2015). Bufei Yishen granule combined with acupoint sticking improves pulmonary function and morphormetry in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rats. BMC complementary and alternative medicine15(1), 266.

Wylie, J. L., House, A., Mauser, P. J., Sellers, S., Terebetski, J., Wang, Z., & Ehrick, J. D. (2018). Inhaled formulation and device selection: Bridging the gap between preclinical species and first-in-human studies. Therapeutic delivery9(5), 387-404.