
Improved ECG Monitoring for Large Animals

Virtually eliminate muscle noise and movement artifact from large animal ECG signals by monitoring using a L21 or L11 transmitter or PhysioTel Digital implant with Solid Tip Lead.

The surgical technique involves placing two electrodes. The positive electrode is placed on the diaphragm near the apex of the heart. The negative lead is inserted into jugular vein and the Solid Tip is advanced into the superior / cranial vena cava. The resulting ECG resembles a lead II morphology with higher amplitude components and virtually no artifact. And all of this is done without fluoroscopy, without a thoracotomy, and without placing anything directly onto or into the heart!

Key Benefits

Ideal for use in a large animals weighing at least 2.5 kgs such as beagles, non-human primates and swine with the following advantages: 
  • More useable data compared with subcutaneous ECG
  • Negligible movement artifact and morphology changes 
  • Higher signal to noise ratio
  • Little to no baseline wander 
  • Greater statistical power 
  • Well-defined waveform features 
  • Improved interval detection 
  • Consistent results
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • No need for a thoracotomy
  • Proven methodology 
  • Similar technique used in millions of cardiac pacing patients, but without the need for fluoroscopy
  • Omit advancing electrode into chambers of the heart

Product Features

The Solid Tip Lead is standard on PhysioTel Digital and can be added to select L21 and L11 transmitters – new or exchanged devices. The solid tip and modified lead jacket enables the following: 
  • Simple, atraumatic delivery of electrode to the vena cava
  • Long-term residence in blood flow without negative effects

View our animation below to see the placement of the Solid Tip Lead.

telemetry lead placement, solid tip ECG lead