Small Animal
Sgoifo, A., et al., “Electrode positioning for reliable telemetry ECG recordings during social stress in unrestrained rats.” Physiology and Behavior. 1996 Mar; 60(6):1397-1401.
London, B., “Cardiac arrhythmias: From (transgenic) mice to men.” J Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 2001 Sep; 12(9):1089-1091.
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Petric, Clasen, van Weßel, et al., “In vivo electrophysiological characterication of TASK-1 deficient mice.” Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 2012.
Large Animal
Hamlin, R. “How many ECG leads are required for in vivo studies in safety pharmacology.” J of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 2008; 57:161-168.
Holzgrefe, H., Cavero, I., Gleason, C., Warner, W., Buchanan, L., Gill, M., Burkett, D., Durham, S., “Novel probabilistic method for precisely correcting the QT interval for heart rate in telemetered dogs and cynomolgus monkeys.” J of Pharmocological and Toxicological Methods. 2006.
Stubhan, M., Markert, M., Mayer, K., et al., “Evaluation of cardiovascular and ECG parameters in normal, freely moving Göttingen minipig.” J Phamacological and Toxicological Methods. 2008 Feb; 57:202-211.
Authier S, Moon LB, Stonerook M, Fournier S, Gervais J, Maghezzi S, Troncy E. “Evaluation of a novel ECG lead placement method in telemetered freely moving cynomolgus monkeys: assessment of an intravascular biopotential lead.” J Phamacological and Toxicological Methods. 2011 Sep-Oct; 64(2):145-150.
Cools, F., et al., “ECG arrhythmias in non-implanted vs. telemetry-implanted dogs: Need for screening before and sufficient recovery time after implantation.” J Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 2011.
Prior, H., McMahon, N., Schofield, J., Valentin, J., “Non-invasive telemetric electrocardiogram assessment in conscious beagle dogs.” J Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 2009 Jun; 60:167-173.