
DSI Technical Support

DSI™ is available to help you with your questions and concerns. In addition to contact information listed below, DSI provides an online product information request form, online technical support and customer service. Please visit these pages to learn more about our services.

DSI Technical Support - U.S. and Canada
Email support@datasci.com
DSI Support Center assistance: https://support.datasci.com

DSI Technical Support - Europe
Email: Europe-support@datasci.com

Monday through Friday: 8 AM to 5 PM CET

DSI Technical Support - Asia Pacific
Phone: +86-21-50795892
Monday through Friday: 9 AM to 5 PM China Standard Time (CST)

DSI Technical Support - All Other Countries
Phone: +1-651-481-7400

Have questions?

Visit the DSI Support Center to find answers to your questions!