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Harvard Apparatus was founded in 1901 by Dr. William T. Porter of the Harvard Medical School. Harvard Apparatus developed a name not only for quality but also for innovation. Harvard Apparatus invented the mechanical syringe pump in the 1950s and introduced the first microprocessor controlled syringe pumps in the 1980s. Today Harvard Apparatus continues this tradition with the most advanced, easiest-to-use programmable syringe pumps, the PHD ULTRA series. Harvard Apparatus also developed first volume controlled- and then pressure-controlled ventilators, pulsatile blood pumps, transducers, amplifiers, recorders, glassware and many other specialized bioscience research products.

Highlighted Products

11 Elite | Harvard Apparatus Syringe Pumps | Instech Laboratories

The Pump 11 Elite Series of syringe pumps expands its capabilities to satisfy your experimental requirements with Infusion Only or Infusion/Withdrawal options. These compact syringe pumps carry on the tradition as the premiere workhorse pumps, offering unparalleled ease of use with a high resolution touch screen with intuitive icon interface without a PC. Syringes ranging from 0.5 µl to 60 ml (single syringe) and 0.5 µl to 10 ml (dual syringe). The Pump 11 Elite Series offers enhanced flow performance with high accuracy and smooth flow from 1.28 pl/min to 88.28 ml/min.

Click here to learn more about additional product offerings from Harvard Apparatus. 

From initial surgery to final reporting, we've got you covered.

Harvard Apparatus Surgical Equipment and Pumps Are Used Throughout the
Preclinical Research Community in Conjunction with DSI Solutions. 

Peer-reviewed publications using both DSI and Harvard Apparatus solutions:

Surgical Equipment and DSI Telemetry

Carotid sinus denervation ameliorates cardiovascular hypertension in adult Wistar rats
Wioletta Pijacka, Fiona D. McBryde, Paul J. Marvar, Gisele S. Lincevicius, Ana P. L. Abdala, Lavinia Woodward, Dan Li, David J. Paterson, Julian F. R. Paton

Distinct behavioral and epileptic phenotype differences in 129/P mice compared to C57BL/6 mice subject to intraamygdala kainic acid-induced status epilepticus
Luiz Fernando, Almeida Silvaa, TobiasEngela, Cristina R.Reschkea, Ronan M.Conroyb, ElenaLangaa, David C.Henshall

Sleep disordered breathing induced by cervical spinal cord injury and effect of adenosine A1 receptors modulation in rats
Abdulghani Sankari, Zeljka Minic, Pershang Farshi, Medea Shanidze, Wafaa Mansour, Fangchao Liu, Guangzhao Mao, and Harry G. Goshgarian

Pumps and DSI Telemetry

Effects of dexmedetomidine, with or without vatinoxan (MK-467), on minimum alveolar concentration of isoflurane in cats
lBruno H.Pypendop, HannaAhokoivua, JuhanaHonkavaara

Neurosteroid and benzodiazepine combination therapy reduces status epilepticus and long‐term effects of whole‐body sarin exposure in rats
Lucille Lumley, Dennis Miller, William T. Muse, Brenda Marrero‐Rosado, Marcio de Araujo Furtado, Michael Stone, Jeffrey McGuire, Christopher Whalley  

The effects of inhaled multi-walled carbon nanotubes on blood pressure and cardiac function
Wen Zheng, Walter McKinney, Michael L. Kashon, Daniel Pan, Vincent Castranova, Hong Kan

Discover More Research Solutions Offered by our Sister Companies Below


Animo Acid Analyzers, UV/Visible Spectrophotometers and Microplate Readers


Tools for Improved Measurement of Microliter Sized Samples of DNA, RNA, Oligos and Proteins


 Instruments, Specialty Electrodes and Accessories for Electroporation and Electrofusion


Microdialysis Instruments and Consumables for Basic Research and Optimized, Accelerated Drug Development


Behavioral Research Solutions Including Mazes, Operant Conditioning, Video Tracking, Activity Products and More. 

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Advanced Isolated Organ and Tissue Perfusion Systems, as well as Data Acquisition Hardware 


Instrumentation and Software for Applications in the Fields of Electrophysiology and Electrochemistry


Electrophysiology Solutions for In Vitro and In Vivo Recording with Microelectrode Arrays, and Wireless/Tethered In Vivo Recording Systems

Warner Transparent

 Biomedical Devices for Electrophysiological, Cellular and Neurological Sciences