
DSI PhysioTelTM Digital Transceiver – TRX-1 for Large Animals

The PhysioTel Digital Transceiver (TRX-1) is most often used for monitoring primates, dogs, and other animals housed in metal cages when using PhysioTel Digital implants.  The TRX-1 receives and transmits Radio-Frequency (RF) signals from the implants and sends them to the Communication Link Controller (CLC).

Key Features

  • Stainless steel and polycarbonate housing, along with a gasket seal and water-resistant connector, make it possible to spray down the cages with the receiver in place.
  • Built to last, the TRX-1 receiver housing has demonstrated successfully that it withstands the abuse of primates.*
  • DSI offers a right angle connector for the TRX-1, which reduces the space needed to accommodate the cable exiting the rear of the transceiver. This offers the flexibility of placing cages closer to walls or adjacent cages. 

Implant compatibility:
The TRX-1 is compatible with PhysioTel Digital implant models, including:

Hardware compatibility:
The TRX-1 is compatible with the CLC, which automatically detects and forwards its model and serial number to the software.


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