
Product Investigation

If you have a problem or concern with any product, please contact us! Our Technical Support Team will help you determine how to solve the problem or if the product should be returned to DSI for investigation and failure analysis.

If Technical Support determines that the product should be returned to DSI, you will be assigned a Case Number and a completed Product Investigation Form will be emailed or faxed to you. Include this form with the product when it is shipped to DSI.

Contacting Technical Services before you return the product to us will help us serve you better by being able to:

  • Track products that are being returned for investigations.
  • Separate these products from exchange transmitters – decreasing processing time.
  • Collect more information about the problem – decreasing investigation time.

Need Help? See our instructions for completing the Transmitter Exchange Form and preparing your transmitters for shipment

DSI Technical Support - Europe
Email: Europe-support@datasci.com
Monday through Friday: 8 AM to 5 PM CET