DSI Buxco 全身体积描记系统简称 WBP系统 (Whole Body Plethysmography), 主要用于监测清醒自由活动、非束缚、非麻醉状态下实验动物的呼吸功能。 监测过程中,实验动物需放置于特殊设计的腔体中进行实验。WBP 腔体配有高敏感度的压力传感器,可探测腔体内细微的压力变化。腔体上亦配有带筛孔的pneumotachs,通过它,气流可从腔体外进入到腔体内,细微的压力变化由此产生,而腔体本身就是描记仪。基于这些细微的流量信号,Buxco FinePointe 软件通过专业的衍算公式与分析,为您提供专业精准的肺通气、支气管收缩等相关参数。
DSI Buxco 所有的呼吸系统产品都有其相应的配件包可选,进一步优化了各系统配置的灵活性并大幅降低系统 维护成本。其中常用的呼吸体积描记腔配件包 (Chamber Maintenance Kit) 包含密封圈与筛网等腔体必备的各种配件 。
Publications citing large animal whole body plethysmography
Katalan S, Falach R, Rosner A, Goldvaser M, Brosh-Nissimov T, Dvir A, Mizrachi A, Goren O, Cohen B, Gal Y, Sapoznikov A, Ehrlich S, Sabo T, Kronman C. “A novel swine model of ricin-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome.” Disease Models & Mechanisms. 2017; 10(2): 173-183.
Lin C, Wu H, Lee J, Liu C. “Functional Phenotype and its Correlation with Therapeutic Response and Inflammatory Type of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid in Feline Lower Airway Disease.” J Vet Inter Med. 2015;29:88-96.
Valente A, Silvestre A, Guasch L, Tort A, Marco I, Lavin S, Cuenca R. “Evaluation of pulmonary function in European land tortoises using whole-body plethysmography.” Veterinary Record. 2012;141:154.
Guasch L, Vadillo A, Grau J, Carreton E, Morchon R, Simon F, Alonso J. “Evaluation of pulmonary function variables by using plethysmography in cats with respiratory disease associated to Dirofilaria immitis.: Veterinary Parasitology. 2012;187:254-258.
Bernaerts F, Talavera J, Leemans J, Hamaide A, Claeys S, Kirschvink N, Clercx C. “Description of original endoscopic findings and respiratory functional assessment using barometric whole-body plethysmography in dogs suffering from brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome.” The Veterinary Journal. 2010;183:95-102.