
Continuous Glucose Telemetry Specifications

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Researchers can now collect data while reducing animal stress and measurement variability commonly associated with glucose test strip measurements. Adoption of continuous glucose telemetry in preclinical research studies will ultimately lead to the development of better drugs, devices, and therapies for humans while also minimizing stress artifact, reducing blood draws, and lowering sample size requirements.

This solution serves many research areas including diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic diseases.


Implant Specifications


Rodent HD-XG

   Parameters Measured Glucose, Temperature,  Activity

  Implant Weight

2.2 g

  Implant Volume

1.4 cc

  Minimum Animal Weight

Mouse - 19 g SQ, 23 g IP
Rat - 175 g

  Warranted Sensor Life

Frequently functions 6 - 8 weeks from implantation
Warranted for 4 weeks

  Glucose Sensing Range

50 - 750 mg/dL (2.8 - 42.0 mmol/l)

  Glucose Sampling Rate

1 Hz

 Calibration Reference
Nova StatStrip® Xpress (or equivalent)