
Digital Communication Module (DCOM)

The Digital Communication Module (DCOM) provides a link between specific Ponemah signal conditioner accessories (pods) and the signal conditioner chassis.  This allows external pods to be placed next to the preparation for ease in manipulating lead placement, while permitting the chassis to remain on the lab bench or rack.  The DCOM provides an ECG sync pulse using standard TTL logic when used with the Multi-Lead ECG POD.


Communication   Digital communication to external pod
    BNC connector used as a TTL output
Compatibility   Requires Ponemah v4.8 or greater



Part Number                         Description
13-7715-70*   Digital Communication Module (DCOM)
*Requires external pod for signal input.
J03557-20   Serial Link Cable; DCOM to Ponemah Signal Conditioner Pod (20 ft)
13-7770-BIO12   12 Channel Isolated Bio-potential Pod
13-7770-ECG12   Multi-Lead ECG Pod

Specifications are current at publication.
Due to DSI’s continuing product improvement program, specifications may change without notice.


Digital Communication Module 

12 Channel Isolated Bio-Potential Pod


Multi-Lead ECG Pod