
Technical Notes

DSI periodically provides Tech Notes, a publication for customers that covers a variety of topics to assist researchers on the care and use of DSI transmitters. Researchers may read about transmitter storage, resterilization of transmitters, placement of ECG leads, guidelines for re-gelling pressure sensing catheters and much more.

A Consideration When Comparing DSI's Ambient Pressure Monitor Readings to Other Barometers and the Weather Service
Anesthesia Nosecone for Cannulation in Rodents
Biopotential Leads: What to Do with Them when Not Being Used
Blood Pressure Measurement in Less Commonly Used Species (Part 1 - Mini Pig, Cat and Ferret)
Blood Pressure Measurement in Less Commonly Used Species (Part 2 -Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Hamster)
Checking the Accuracy of Pressure Implants
Configuration of the TA11ETA-F10 Transmitter in versions of Dataquest A.R.T. prior to 4.2
Configuration of the TA11PA-C10 Transmitter in versions of Dataquest A.R.T. prior to 3.1
Configuration of the TA11TA-F10 Transmitter in versions of Dataquest A.R.T. prior to 4.3
Configuring the F40-TT transmitter in Dataquest A.R.T.
Configuring your HD-X11 Transmitter in Dataquest A.R.T. or OpenART
Decontaminating Hardware
 Device Explantation
DSI Pressure Sensing Technologies in Small Animal Chronic Monitoring Applications
ECG Lead Placement in Large Quadrupeds
Guidelines for the Re-gel of the PhysioTel and PhysioTel Digital Large Animal Devices
Guidelines for the Re-Gel of Mouse-Sized Catheters
Guidelines for the Re-gel of Small Animal Catheters
How to Straighten a Blood Pressure Catheter
On-Site Cleaning and Decontamination of iPRECIO Pump and Programmer
On-Site Cleaning and Resterilization of DSI Transmitters Using Actril
On-Site Cleaning and Resterilization of DSI Transmitters Using Cidex/Glutaraldehyde
 PhysioTel Digital Battery Passivation
 Ponemah Hotkeys Mapping Guide
Post-Surgical Complications: Loss of Incision Integrity and Exposure of the Transmitter Body
Preventing Damaged Sensors in Blood Pressure Implants
Proper Techniques for Maximizing the Use of the Suture Rib
Recommended Instruments For Large Animal Surgery
  Recommended Procedure for HD-XG to Determine the Correct Insertion Depth for Mouse Carotid
  Recommended Procedure for PA-C10, HD-X10, and HD-X11 to Determine the Correct Insertion Depth for Mouse Carotid
Seromas: Cause and Management
 Small Animal Surgical Supplies
Storage of Your Transmitters
 Tips to Maintain Animal Comfort

Video Demonstration: How to create your own Tip Covers for ETA-F10 Transmitters  
   Small Animal Telemetry Re-Gel Video
   Mouse Telemetry Re-Gel Video